Checking in with SAVAGE-Sponsored Team Community Day

SAVAGE loves to hear from our sponsored teams! Today we're highlighting Community Day Charter School from Lawrence, Mass. Coach Jodi Robert recently checked in with an update on the team. Here's what they're up to this season:
Community Day Charter School is in its second season of Ultimate. With snow still on the ground in the Northeast, we are eager to begin our season! Last year our team consisted of 15-20 students from the ages 10-13, both male and female. This year, we have over 30 students signed up and excited to learn the sport.
Community Day focuses a lot on the Spirit of the Game. Each week the captains pick a dedicated player from practice or a game to hold our "Spirit Disc." This player has to show determination, spirit and dedication in learning the sport. Last year we helped students develop the fundamentals of ultimate such as throwing, catching, cutting and understanding the basics of the game.
Our goal this year is to create a more competitive team, rather than a pickup squad, with students who are knowledgeable of the basic formations, positions, and throws. We want students to work together as a team and use positive motivation to encourage their teammates. We are going into the season with a TEAM FIRST mentality. We want students at all levels of athleticism and ability to feel welcome and valued. We are fostering a team of players that display good spirit and always strive to have fun in competition, while looking fresh in our new Savage gear! Thank you Savage Ultimate!