Old Ultimate Love is Forever Ultimate Love

Recently SAVAGE received a message from an old customer. His request was common – did we have old designs on file? Of course we did!
His story continued to explain his love of Ultimate Frisbee, how he connected with his team and that he began to coach at various levels in promotion of the sport. Also, that a recent medical diagnosis would prevent him from continuing to play.
Every day, we help teams to look towards the future, to plan for seasons and tournaments with something as simple as uniforms. Everyone wants to look good, but more importantly people want to connect and remember.
Today, we send Eli a jersey to help him remember as he continues on his medical journey. Eli, here’s your #14 BRAH jersey. It’s headed your way!
We also ask the ultimate community to remember. Remember your old teammates and your love of the game. Remember how that fire stated. Open that old jersey drawer up and think of the first teams you were on and that old love. Know that it can and will stay with you forever. Over this long holiday weekend let’s all be thankful for the love found through Ultimate and the people who have been there along the way.