Spikeballer Tori Farlow: Quarantine has been a healthy change and transition for me

We're all getting through this quarantine in different ways, and we love hearing updates from all of you on how you're staying healthy despite the circumstances. N.C.-based pro Spikeball player and personal trainer Tori Farlow (who we profiled on the Savage blog back in February) has been keeping us motivated with active and upbeat Instagram posts, so we tapped her to share some of what's gotten her through the past weeks. Take it away, Tori!
Quarantine life has definitely been a huge change for all of us, and not all of it has been positive — but that doesn’t mean it can’t be used for good.
Like I say to most people, including my clients, everything is transformed through perspective. Whatever you focus on magnifies.
Here is a glimpse into what my life has been like as of late, and things I have realized for my own positivity and health. No one is the same, so I’m not saying this will work for you, but I do hope that it pushes you in a direction or a realization that does help you!
Three things you can do to come out of this quarantine as a healthier person
1. Find a morning and night routine.
For me, this requires waking up without a screen. Whether that means making breakfast, doing yoga, or spending time with my dog, I try to allow my brain to wake up in the morning without screens, especially knowing that I work throughout the day from my computer or phone.
When you think about it, if we are looking through emails or social media right when we wake up, we are training our minds to wake up stressed. We see all of the work that we need to do, immediately compare our lives and bodies to others, exercise FOMO, and hype up our insecurities — all in a matter of seconds once our eyes open. Before we even get out of bed, we possibly have a feeling of less worth and joy without even realizing it.
I have noticed a difference in my mood and productivity throughout the day when I wake up without these things, even though it’s sadly not easy. It had become such a routine for me to look at my phone as the first and last thing I did in the day, and I never saw it as an issue. I definitely didn’t figure this out on my own. It took me spending time with a very smart, seasoned, and loving human to even realize that’s what I was doing and that it would be in my best interest to make a change.
For me, the most trouble is in the morning, but it might be the night time for you. Allow yourself to be quiet, still, and present. My favorite way to cool down is with some jams, tea, and a lit candle. Find what soothes you the best!
2. Move every day.
I am used to lifting weights 4-6 days out of the week, and lifting pretty heavy most of those days. I’ve been doing this for eight years now and my passion continues to grow. The most strict cardio you’ll find me doing is five minutes on a bike or stairmaster as a warmup because I prefer to get my cardio from playing sports. I coach soccer as well as play in multiple soccer leagues, travel for Spikeball, and play as many sports as I can get my hands on, so I stay pretty busy and active. With the feeling like everything got stripped away from me, this time of quarantine has been a test of my patience, determination, and creativity. I have had to come to grips with the fact that since I cannot change the current reality — there is no sense in being upset over it. The new question is, “what am I going to do to continue to try to be the best version of myself?”
I have done way more bodyweight and strict cardio workouts than I ever have before and I honestly think it has been a healthy break for me. I have been able to give my body rest when it needs, push my body to new and different limits, and show my body that different is okay. Most importantly, I’ve learned how to love my body through those differences. I’ve had to realize what I truly want out of this time and make the choice to be productive even though it’s much easier to sulk.
Some of my favorite workouts during this time have been…
- Various HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) workouts
- Riding my bike
- Yoga
- Banded exercises (glute kickbacks, creative lat pulldown, abductor walks, etc.)
- Jumping to conclusions
- Lots of squats
- Sprints
- Playing Spikeball in my basement
3. Be willing to accept a new norm.
I graduated in 2018 with a degree in exercise science and have been a soccer coach and personal trainer since then. I started to lose steam with my training position because I wasn’t sure of the full value of what I was offering. I wasn’t finding my passion in it anymore. I was going through the motions, and while I felt like I didn’t deserve that, I was realizing more and more that my clients didn’t either. If you can’t show up for yourself, then you also can’t show up for others the way that you want or the way that they deserve.
So, I redirected my attention to why I do what I do. I thought of the reasons why I was so drawn to coaching and it was because I was able to work with girls who trusted me with more than just their skill training. They trusted me with their home life situations, friendships, breakups, and all the worries under the sun. I felt purpose when I was being a mentor and realized a huge reason of why I even stay in shape myself and why I love exercise — it’s an amazing outlet with incredible mental health benefits.
So how could I bring all of those things together? With the help of some amazing people, I was pushed and encouraged to start my own online wellness business. It’s not just about the workouts anymore. It’s about full-body wellness and health. Most of the time I spend with my clients one-on-one is by working through mental perspectives and how to truly love our mind and body during the journey, not just the destination. It’s always about the big picture.
I’m not saying it is going to be easy, but I am saying it is going to be worth it. Once we can sit down, accept, and embrace life for what it currently is, then we are more able to move forward in a positive manner.
Whatever you focus on magnifies.
If you are interested in the personal program that I have created, you can get in touch with me on Instagram (@torefarlow) or through this link.