As we continue to observe Black History Month, our next featured athlete is VII's very own Angela McLean! In addition to kicking butt on our art team, Angela spends her time on the pitch with VCU's Wizengamot Quidditch Club.
Tell us how you initially got into Quidditch. What drew you to the sport?
VCU's team had a booth at the club fair my freshman year and it was between them and another club. The Quidditch team was the only one to email me back and I am very glad they did. I've had a blast ever since.
Did you admire any other team or player when you first started competing?Once I started watching other teams, DCQC was a favorite of mine. I knew a few people on the team and they also have a few former VCU players still on the team to this day. They are beasts on the field and so fun to watch. I am a fan of the MLQ Washington Admirals as well and will be rooting for them this coming season.
What's it like being a Black Quidditch player? What do you love about it, and what do you wish was different?
Honestly, the sport has been great to be a part of these past few years. That being said, I do feel that it still has a ways to go and improve. I do love the camaraderie between teammates and other teams, but I do wish more could be done about player safety and making sure everyone has a fair shot at playing on the field.
What're your thoughts on the potential name change for the sport?
I am on board with the name change because I understand it from a monetary point of view as well as a personal point of view. As for what it should be changed to, I have no idea. I believe the survey they sent out had some good contenders, but it could really go either way.
Any tips for aspiring players?
Just have fun! Personally beating is my favorite position but try everything out at least once to see which you like best. There's also no need to stick with one position either, so feel free to try them all.
What's your hype song?
Honestly, I don't think I have a particular song, as long as it's upbeat and fun to listen to.