7th Annual UltiGift Tournament

Savage is proud to announce the 7th Annual UltiGift 2017 Tournament Series to benefit Toys for Tots!
Every year, we focus on this event to bring a smile to a child's face by helping put presents under the tree. Over the past 7 years, we have been able to donate thousands of toys! This year our goal is to donate 1000 toys!
UltiGift Tournaments are holiday hat ultimate frisbee tournaments run by local organizations that include a toy donation for player registration. The toys are donated to their local toy drives to help grow community involvement. This year we are planning on partnering with dozens of cities across the country and world.
The Ultimate Gift is looking for volunteers to serve as tournament directors to host an event in their city.
- Find/reserve fields (we can assist with down payments)
- Buy supplies for tournament (we will provide reimbursement)
- Manage day-of event
- Arrange for drop-off at local Toys for Tots donation center
There are 3 ways to partner:
1. You run a SAVAGE Tournament and we will pay for fields (up to $500). Registration will be through ultigift.org and will be $15/player. TD receives $50 SAVAGE Gift Card + TD Jersey (if 2 TDs 1 $50 Gift Card + 2 Jerseys).
2. You run your own event. SAVAGE sponsors it and sends promo materials to supplement. (Includes disc, banner, captain's bags and TD jersey). The event is promoted on ultigift.org and directed to your webpage.
3. Pickup event- If you don't have time for a full day event, we have a pickup game option. We'll send you 12 SAVAGE hats to give out during your game.
Spikeball Events- Since these events are much smaller than Ultimate events, they will automatically be Option 3.
Every event will require players to bring a toy valued at at least $5 or an equivalent cash donation.
Check out the registration page to find an Ultimate Gift Hat tournament near you. Not one close to you? Add your city!
Savage will donate one disc to our local Toys For Tots for every UltiGift item sold!