Ultimate Foreign Relations

Ultimate is more than just a sport to those that play. It is a community, a platform to spread love and positivity, and a lifestyle. Our new friend Laura Birnbaum is a shining star in showing what ultimate can truly be and how it can enrich lives worlwide.
Laura is a student at Sacred Heart University where she is studying to get her Doctorate in Physical Therapy. In October, she spent two weeks on a service learning trip in Antigua, Guatemala with other members of Sacred Heart University. She explains how the different layers of therapy naturally came alive through her work
"So, how can I incorporate all of these elements into an activity that the kids will enjoy participating in? How do I involve the grasping of objects, the speaking and comprehension of language, and the gross motor skills required for walking/running? Hmmmmm…
[Cue lightbulb] Ultimate!"
Before the trip, Laura contacted SAVAGE and asked for a disc donation. She explained that she would love to use Ultimate as a form of physical therapy while in Guatemala. She was able to put a smile on these kids' faces just by spreading the sport of Ultimate and putting a disc in their hands.
A big thanks to Laura for going out of her way and making this video of her trip detailing where she went and what she did! Be sure to check out those awesome kids playing with their new discs at 3:35. If you have time, watch the entire video, Laura did an amazing job with it and it deserves to be seen!
To read about Laura's trip from her perspective, check out the write up she sent our way!
Big thanks and hugs go out to Laura from everyone here at SAVAGE for doing what she does and extending the legacy of love in Ultimate!