Savage 101: What you need to know about copyright law

As much as we'd love to print Rick and Morty on your jerseys, we can't. We can't print art that doesn't belong to us. First of all, it's rude to steal. Secondly, it's illegal. And we don't want to be either of those things.
The same thing goes for school logos—you should have written permission from the school if you want the logo on your gear. Written permission from the school can come from the school's club sports office or straight from their licensing and trademarks department.
Should we need to (and choose to) become an official licensee of the school, be advised that this can take up to eight weeks to get approved and get artwork approved. All artwork and designs bearing the school's official trademarks will need to be approved by the licensing company and school's trademarks office.
Art from the internet? Somebody probably owns this. It's not OK to just say, "hey, we found this and should print it." Sometimes we can track down the artist and they may provide permission to use, but often we can't. We'd totally be ok if you asked the artist for their permission. Sometimes they're thrilled at the prospect of a team sporting their images.
Submission of art to Savage is a tacit agreement that the customer has received permission to use and indemnifies Savage against any unauthorized use.
Copyright infringement can result in fines that have a legal standard of $200 to $150,000. Fines may be in excess of $150,000 through suit and legal remedy.