7 Questions with D.C. Scandal

Scandal is the #5 ranked women's ultimate team based in Washington, D.C., and Savage is proud to call them a Savage Select Team. We took a few minutes with Keila Strick to get the skinny on this scandalous team.
1. Savage: How does your team prep for a game?
Keila Strick for Scandal: Long-term prep includes track workouts, gym, practice, scrimmages, film review. Short-term prep is different for each player.
2. Savage: What's unique about your playing style as a team?
Scandal: We are patient. We’re process- and goal-oriented. We never get too caught up with our losses, but instead learn where and how we can improve for when it matters most.
We side stack, which isn’t the most popular offense, but I guess it’s becoming more mainstream.
3. Savage: Who are some of your MVPs?
- Amy Zhou (D-line cutter)
- Lindsay Soo (D-line cutter)
- Nada Tramonte (O-line cutter)
- Jessie O’Connor (handler)
4. Savage: Can you share some highlights of your time playing together?
Scandal: This could be a long list… I’ll stick to three.
During practices and some games, we do “animal spikes” after a score. In big games with big scores, you might hear somebody on a team shout out an animal and the person who just scored celebrates by being that animal. Molly Roy is particularly talented with her shark spike.
Our team is fast. It’s always fun watching Lauren Allen and Ingrid Petterson run through D people.
We’re also tall. Kelly Ross, Lindsay Soo, Hannah Boone, and Danielle Byers dominate the air.
5. Savage: What's your favorite place to play ultimate?
Scandal: It’s pretty sweet playing in DC and looking over and seeing the Washington Monument, Capital building, or White House.
No turf, please.
6. Savage: How does your team celebrate a victory or mourn a loss?
Scandal: To celebrate, we get margs. To mourn, we get margs.
7. Savage: What's your team's hype song?
Scandal: We actually have a collaborated playlist where each person added their favorite hype song. One that stands out to me: Missy Elliott, "Work It."