From the Desk of Dan Lee: Thankful During the Holidays

Last week I got a great question in one of my emails, "What is something that is consistent in your life and you're grateful for?"
That question came at the tail end of a week in which my dad went to the ER with chest pains to find that he needed a procedure to unclog one of his arteries that had been nearly completely blocked. In this same month, one of our team members had torn their ACL and needed surgery; other team members were showing up to work with other injuries or tragic family news.
It can be tough to remain grateful in the midst of personal pain and the struggles of those around you, but I was thankful for the opportunity to try. My answer was simple: I'm grateful for my life and that I'm healthy. I was diagnosed with melanoma in 2015, a tiny a**hole of a mole that left untreated likely would've killed me. Lucky for me, my now-wife has eagle vision and spotted that sucker from the other room.
So I'm happy I'm alive. Duh.
What makes this whole flying through space on this big-blue-marble experience so great, though, is when I know I'm making a difference with the team and work I do every day (Savage-brag incoming). When the same Savage team member who tore her ACL tells me that she's grateful to work for such a supportive company and team, when I see that we're making a UV protective jersey* that benefits our customers' wellbeing, when I get to support great causes and organizations like Breast Cancer Research and Welcome Home like we did this past month, that makes the living part pretty cool.
On top of my own gratitude for such a great opportunity to live my best Savage life, there were some great personal achievements and milestones among our team that happened this month, too. We had among our team acceptance into a new costume-design program, continued acclaim for a recent poetry book, appointment as President of our local Ultimate community, and an engagement!
Our team is having its ups and downs, and yours will too. As we get into another holiday season full of revelry and jubilation, remember to always be there for each other. When your teammates get hurt or are struggling personally, be there to lift them up. When it's time to celebrate, express your honest joy. Be grateful that you have them and be worthy of their gratitude because that's what this living is all about, the impact that you have on one another.
I know all of us at Savage are grateful for you and wish you the best holiday season.
- Dan Lee, Vice President of Sales