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Like a BOS


History was made this weekend in Rockford, IL with Boston Ultimate winning the USA Ultimate National Championship Tournament. Which team, might you ask? All three—Ironside (Men's Division), Brute Squad (Women's Division) and Slow White (Mixed Division). It's what we call a sweep. 

For the first time since 2011, all three winners were from the same town: Beantown, to be exact. Five years earlier, San Francisco Ultimate swept the championships.

With hard-fought games, Boston came out on top. Ironside defeated San Francisco Revolver 14-13, Brute Squad over Seattle's Riot 12-11, and Slow White with a 15-11 win over New York's Metro North. 

We'd like to introduce the 2016 National Champions Jerseys. Now available for a limited time only. Show your Boston pride and help Boston Ultimate grow even stronger. 15 percent of the proceeds will be donated to BUDA's Youth Program.