Savage + Toys For Tots: UltiGift Recap

Photo from UltiGift Toledo, Ohio.
Toys for Tots is a charitable organization run by the United States Marine Corps Reserve. Toys for Tots gives toys to children during the holidays when their families can’t afford new gifts. Through Savage's UltiGift hat tournaments and partnered tournaments, we collect toys to donate to Toys for Tots during the holidays.
Savage began collecting toys to donate to Toys for Tots ten years ago. The Marine Toys for Tots Foundation is based out of Triangle, Virginia, just an hour from Savage HQ. Our goal is to help the Ultimate community do what they do best - make a positive impact on the communities around them. Did you miss UltiGift this year? Mark your calendar for September 2020 to reach out to Savage so you can host or participate in a tournament.
UltiGift Tournaments in 2019 took place all over the U.S. and Canada. The more the merrier! All those tournaments add up to a lot of gifts. Aria Discs and the AUDL joined in our UltiGift efforts this year, donating a disc for every jersey sold in November. (Is a disc a toy? That’s a discussion for another day.)
We collected hundreds of new toys to donate this year. Austyn Pedersen, our Events Coordinator, poured his heart into making UltiGift a successful drive for Toys for Tots, despite hiccups from a new registration system.
We’d like to thank Austyn (Savage Events Coordinator), the Tournament Directors, and event participants for making UltiGift 2019 possible. A personal message from Austyn:
Many amazing humans donated their time and support for this cause, including the AUDL, and Aria discs, to whom we are incredibly grateful.
From my personal experience as a camp counselor for children with Type 1 Diabetes, caring and loving parents do everything in their power to allow their children to live, without reminders that life can be difficult. Children deserve to enjoy being kids, and we have a way to make that happen. Savage has access to some of the best communal fan bases in sports, as affirmed by the individuals requesting to take their time running these events all over the country (and in Canada, who allocate their toy donations locally).
To all of those brilliantly generous people, thank you.