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Dodgeball Talk with UDC Director Jaime Martino

Dodgeball Talk with UDC Director Jaime Martino

We recently sat down to chat with Jaime Martino, the new director of the Ultimate Dodgeball Championship. This awesome event pits 32 of the world’s best dodgeball teams against one another for the chance to win their share of $65,000 in cash and prizes. You can check it out on the Ultimate Dodgeball YouTube channel Aug. 2-5. And you can pick up your official Ultimate Dodgeball Championship jerseys and other merchandise right here on the Savage store!






Savage: So how did you get into playing dodgeball? What's your background in the sport? 

Jaime Martino: I've actually never played organized dodgeball! I got into dodgeball when I owned (and have since sold) three Sky Zone franchises. As a former athlete, I loved the element of competition in the park. I saw an opportunity because people loved it. We took a sport that was traditionally played on a hard gym floor and made it easier and more fun to dip, duck, dodge and dive atop our trampoline playing courts.  


Our first park in Fishers, IN was one of the first 20 parks to host local qualifying tournaments when the UDC started seven years ago. Since then I've been a part of growing the event to where it is today: the biggest, most-watched dodgeball event on the planet!  


Savage: Are there a lot of women who play dodgeball? Do you consider it a pretty female-friendly sport? 

J.M.: Surprisingly there are! And I have to say a lot of them are better than the guys! They are smaller in general, quicker on their feet, have great arms, and they tend to be more agile! We're really hoping that the new 8 Team Women's Invitational at UDC this year helps show women that this isn't just a sport for the guys!  


Savage: Tell us about your new role with UDC. What does that entail? What are your goals for taking over as director? Anything you can tell us about this year's event? 

J.M.: I've served as the assistant director for the last five years, so when the former director took a promotion within Sky Zone and I sold my last franchise, the timing was right to step into the director's role! Our ultimate goal every year is to beat our previous year's viewership of the event! But beyond that I'm really excited about making this more that just a tournament for the participants, I want to make it an event! I don't want to give too many secrets away but we've worked hard over the years to add events scheduled outside of gameplay (i.e. happy hours) that encourage teams to come together, socialize and interact outside of the courts!  


Savage: What are some common misconceptions about dodgeball? 

J.M.: I think the biggest misconceptions are that it's just for the guys or that you have to be a really good player to enjoy it. Dodgeball is a game that can be enjoyed by all skill levels, all athletic abilities, male or female. It's a great workout and it's a game of strategy. You don't have to have the strongest arm or the fastest feet, if you can strategize and out think your opponent you can be a very impactful player!


Savage: What do you do when you're not playing dodgeball? 

J.M.: I have two fur kids: Teddy & Louis who are my world!  I love to cook, be active, and do anything outside! I have a hard time sitting still.


Savage: Any advice for women/girls who want to get into the sport? 

J.M.: Just jump in at game at Sky Zone! We have pickup games going all day, every day! It's a great way to find out if you enjoy it without the commitment of joining a league. And don't be afraid, you're probably better than most of guys out there!


Go check out our dodgeball gear right here!

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Everything you need to know about Savage Day sales

Everything you need to know about Savage Day sales

Savage Day is July 7 (7/7), and we're celebrating with four days of discounts and giveaways! Here's a little preview of what we're offering to thank you for being a customer: 

Stay tuned to our Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to find out how to redeem these deals this week! 

P.S. We've still got gear from the US National Team for quidditch! Use the code REDEEMTEAM for 15% off. 

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US National Team Wins the Quidditch World Cup

US National Team Wins the Quidditch World Cup

After facing off with quidditch teams from all over the globe, the U.S. National Team won the International Quidditch Association's World Cup this weekend in Florence, Italy. Savage couldn't be prouder to rep this crew, made up of some of the best players from throughout the country. 

To celebrate, we're offering 15 percent off all USNT Quidditch gear, including jerseys, shorts, headbands, joggers, and more. Use the code REDEEMTEAM when you check out. Act fast because this offer is only valid today! (July 2)



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TMP This Week: Bandits, DC Ultimate, Sweet Action

TMP This Week: Bandits, DC Ultimate, Sweet Action

Hopefully you already know that Team Marketplace is an awesome way for your team or organization to promote and sell a custom selection of Savage gear. It's also a great place to go shopping — and no, you don't have to be on a team to buy their gear. Whether you're a fan or you just love the design, the Team Marketplace stores are open to all. With that in mind, we'll be doing a weekly round-up of TMP stores that have launched. 

Bandits Ultimate Jerseys

First up, the Bandits. We're big fans of their black and white palette and minimalist logo. Here's their Team Marketplace.

DC Ultimate Jersey

Seriously, how cool is the design for this DC Ultimate jersey? The DC Ultimate TMP also includes a headband, tank, and DC Scandal tee. 

Sweet Action Ultimate Hooded Jersey

Sweet Action is a mixed Ultimate team based in Denver, Colorado. They are in their 5th season as a team and have a strong tradition of having fun, playing hard, and loving ice cream! Check out their collection here.

Last but not least, the North Minneapolis Hat Tournament store!

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Checking in with 2018 Callahan winner Jackelyne “Kobe” Nguyen

Checking in with 2018 Callahan winner Jackelyne “Kobe” Nguyen
USA Ultimate recently announced the winner of the 2018 Women's Callahan Award: Jackelyne “Kobe” Nguyen. A member of UC-Berkeley's Pie Queens, Kobe quickly went from being a completely inexperienced rookie to being one of the leaders in the sport of ultimate. Thanks for answering our questions, Kobe!

Savage: How did you get into playing Ultimate?
Kobe: Ultimate was an unexpected treasure that made its way into my life. Before ultimate, I played basketball competitively throughout high school, even reaching the state championship finals one year. After getting into Cal I immediately looked into joining the club basketball team, but it didn't exist. I knew I still wanted to play a team sport so I looked into rugby and ultimate: the 2 sports known as things to try in college. Logistically, Pie Queens had their first practice before rugby's, and after that practice I had never felt more supported by any group of women who barely knew me. They took the time to teach me how to throw, catch, and constantly high five after I did anything, good or bad. Their warm spirit and community is what kept me in this program and what has led me to love each and every aspect of this sport.  

Savage: What do you love about the sport?
Kobe: Definitely the community. I've made all of my close friends through ultimate regardless of the division I'm playing in. The great spirit that holds as the foundation of this sport is what drives my excitement and passion to be a part of the ultimate community. Not only is the spirit amazing, but also ultimate itself is a unique sport where success comes from an entire team rather than an individual. That feeling of crushing a defense with all seven people touching the disc to score is one of my favorite feelings. Plus, ultimate is thrilling because of its balance of calm and collected play and athletic and hype plays that can happen within a single point. 

Savage: How do you train? 
Kobe: Nothing too fancy here. I do track, lifting, and field workouts outlined from each team I've been a part of. Whenever we would have tourney week I'd make sure I can get some extra pulling or throwing reps before practice. Something that my roommate and I would do during track workouts is role play our last sprint as a universe point scenario. "Pie Queens with the D, she picks it up, hucks it to space. Will she make it to score and win the game?!" This last sprint typically ends with us pretending to sky each other and crashing on the nearby grass. 

Savage: Any tips for young girls just starting out in the sport? 
Kobe: As cliche as it sounds, don't give up. Whether you're starting in mixed or women's, as much frustration you may get whether it's not getting thrown to or not feeling like you can throw, keep trying! Never feel like asking a vet to throw is bothersome because they are just waiting for you to ask. And if you feel like some of your throws aren't game ready, make 100 percent cuts or play out of your mind defense, these pieces are just as important. Women in ultimate is a growing movement, so you have a whole community of women to back you up if you ever feel down. 
Savage: What's your ultimate Ultimate memory?
Kobe: So many memories to choose from! I would say a collection of events that happened my sophomore year on Pie Queens. After graduating, a ton of seniors the year prior that expected to make Nationals, our program figured that the next year would be a rebuilding year. Tournament after tournament we started winning big games and playing well, which ended up with us earning a bid for the Southwest. Our team was ecstatic and didn't know what to do as none of us had gone to Nationals ever before. Going to Nationals that year felt like a dream as the success of our team came from everyone on our roster. To top it off, Marisa won the Callahan and as a mentor, teammate, and best friend to me, I have never felt so happy for someone who I knew deserved it so much. That entire year set the Pie Queens program on great footing to continuously be a program that strives on building its players and providing an environment for people to love the sport as much as we love each other. 
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I Played Ultimate Under A Volcano

I Played Ultimate Under A Volcano
There are a few perks to working at Savage — like cool coworkers, a pinball machine, and occasional doughnut deliveries. Plus, every year, one team member (along with one lucky Savage contest winner) heads to Costa Rica for the Volcanic Tournament over Memorial Day weekend. This year, sales coordinator Eugenia Witherow headed south for the event. Here are her highlights, according to Eug:
{{Didn't make it to Costa Rica this year? You can still get some cool tournament jerseys in our store.}}

Highs: Ziplining and the Tarzan swing, hot springs after a long weekend of ultimate, eating amazing food, playing with locals and learning about the ultimate seen there, seeing iguanas up close.

Lows: Sunburn + hot springs together, missing breakfast on the last day, and leaving such a beautiful place full of amazing memories and wonderful people (two of these three things were definitely my own fault)

Top 7 Moments from Volcanic Tournament in Costa Rica (in no particular order)

1. Ziplining through the forest, and facing my fears on the Tarzan Swing
2. Seeing a sloth and a toucan!
3. Hot springs!!!!
4. Playing ultimate with Team White Not
5. Meeting so many people that I've worked with in person
6. FOOD (gallo pinto and paella specifically)
7. Seeing a volcano for the first time in my life!
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Stanford's Gabe Hernandez Wins USA Ultimate's 2018 Men's Callahan Award

Stanford's Gabe Hernandez Wins USA Ultimate's 2018 Men's Callahan Award

The winner of the most coveted award in college Ultimate was announced at the USA Ultimate D1 College Championships. The 2018 winner is Stanford's Gabe Hernandez. 


Grab a replica #23 Gabe Hernandez or custom Bloodthirsty jersey today for only $49!

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Are You Ready for the IQA World Cup? We Totally Are

Are You Ready for the IQA World Cup? We Totally Are

The International Quidditch Association's World Cup is scheduled for June 27-July 2 in Florence, Italy, and Team Savage is pretty darn excited. We have partnered with US Quidditch and the US National Team to provide uniforms for this year's competition. Our very own Dan C. is even taking one for the team and will travel all the way to Italia to rep Savage at the event. What a nice guy.

Here's a slideshow of some of the highlights. Check out the full collection—including jerseys, shorts, joggers, and a pretty sweet headband—over here.



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Road to Nationals: 4 Questions with Stanford Bloodthirsty

Road to Nationals: 4 Questions with Stanford Bloodthirsty

The last few weeks, we've been interviewing some Savage teams that were headed to D-III College Championships in Illinois. Now, we're moving on to the D-I teams, starting with Stanford's Bloodthirsty. Thanks to Jack August Kimmel for answering these questions for us.

Savage: Any pre-game rituals?

JAK: Stanford Bloodthirsty is a team full of goofy, fun savages, and we use these traits to our advantage when facing off against opponents. Before each game, we focus on bringing the hype and energy from the very first point to the very last point of the game, and this starts with our warmup. In our warmup jog, our team does a chant that we learned from a former player who grew up in Mali, and although nobody knows exactly what it means, it certainly gets our team focused and energized. Right before the game, we end our warmup by huddling tightly and unleashing the hype through a chant or cheer.

Savage: How do you celebrate a win? Mourn a loss? 

JAK: Our team thrives on the energy and swagger that comes from our intense defense and systematic offense on the field, but our sideline also plays a large role in maintaining high energy levels throughout the game. To keep this enthusiasm stable, we cheer after every point, win or lose, knowing that we need to immediately focus on the next point. Ultimate tournaments are often structured such that games are played consecutively, meaning we need to not only be able to carry our energy from point to point, but also from game to game. That’s why, win or lose, we are sure to always maintain focus on the next game, and engaging in ridiculous cheers and playing music helps remind us who Bloodthirsty is: a team full of goofy, fun savages.

Ironically, one aspect of our team’s cheers that set us apart from other teams is our unashamed willingness to steal cheers from other teams. We aren’t Ducks, Hodags, or Airsquid, but if a cheer sounds catchy or cool, we have no problem using it. But when we aren’t copying cheers, we’re usually yelling about Crab People, Shrek, Solar Shields, or the number 4.

Savage: Who are your MVPs?

JAK: The three captains that have led our team throughout this season are the MVPs of our team. Gabe Hernandez, Allan Ndovu, and Drew Mathieson have inspired and motivated us to play for each other and have fun no matter the outcome of a point or game. Our team will surely miss these three seniors next year, and they have created a team culture and demanded a level of play that has brought us back to nationals for our second straight year. 

Considering that swagger is such an important element of our team culture and identity, we would be remiss not to mention the role our Savage Ultimate apparel and uniform play in maintaining our team’s swag.  Look good, feel good, play good. It’s that simple. When our team is repping the joggers and the quarter-zips in warmups, the parents are wearing the team T-shirts, and by game time we all have on those Savage jerseys, we know we are absolutely stunting on our opponents. Pair these with our signature sunglasses, the Solar Shields, and add in a chant about the number 4, and there is no stopping us. We can’t thank Savage Ultimate enough for keeping our swagger at maximum levels and ensuring that we not only play well, but we also look good while doing it.

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