SAVAGE loves to hear from our sponsored teams! Today we're highlighting Community Day Charter School from Lawrence, Mass. Coach Jodi Robert recently checked in with an update on the team. Here's what they're up to this season:
Continue readingWith 8 SAVAGE teams in the top 20 we couldn't be more excited about the #roadtonationals. We'll be cheering on the sidelines the whole way.
Continue readingThe American Ultimate Disc League’s fifth season kicked off this past weekend with seven professional ultimate games happening in arenas across the country. This season promises to be the most exciting yet, with 182 regular season games being played between 25 teams all around the U.S. and Canada.
Continue readingWe're at the beginning of week 3 and we're sold out of a bunch of items! Luckily we brought our spot sublimation and screen printing machines to constantly be printing. Unfortunately we couldn't bring out our sewing house, so we're now opening up an ordering window to get your High Tide full subs. The order window will close March 24, 2016 and orders will shipped out April 22, 2016.
Can you think of anything that sounds better than a FREE trip to Costa Rica to play ultimate frisbee? We didn't think so.
Continue readingLast year, we were contacted by University of California-Santa Barbara's Men's Ultimate Frisbee Team to help support a new documentary on the sport of ultimate.
Continue readingToday is a very special day for the ultimate frisbee world. It's the inaugural Spirit of the Game Day!
We were approached by ERIC's Jim Gerencser and WFDF's Spirit of the Game Chairperson, Patrick van der Valk in November to get involved. The goal of today is to promote Spirit of the Game which is one of the most unique rules in Ultimate.
Continue readingAre you ready for some football? We sure are. The US Flag and Touch Football League (USFTL) is hosting the 45th Flag Football National Championships in Tampa, FL on January 15-17, 2016.
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